Until I'm in Antigua!!
Getting pretty excited YA'LL. haha ok I'll lay off the texas-ness a little.
and yes, I have a countdown going.
Hmmm sooo plan plan plan! Turns out my very own mother wants to come visit. This is super exciting and cool, just the organization is kind of tough. Hopefully it'll work out, gotta figure out how to get her from the airport in Guatemala City to Antigua (Safely) ...no idea how to do that....not a taxi...chicken bus???
I don't even know who's picking me up at the airport, where exactly I'll be living... I feel a little clueless I must say. But there's still time to get the details down. Half of my nerves about this trip are from not knowing the details and not knowing what exactly is the plan. The plane ticket is bought so that's half the battle I feel. Thats the commitment step. This is gonna happen.
I still have a few things to take care of. I owe CE some $ still but money is kind of tight so trying to get that to them ASAP. Also wanting to plan some excursions and things to do. I made some friends through couchsurfing and will meet some locals that way when I get there for coffee. I know that sounds crazy, but couchsurfing is a very awesome (and reliable!) way to meet locals and get a crash course of the culture of wherever you go.
However safety has been on my mind a lot lately. Everyone tells me I'll be fine and all that, I just can't be too careful. I researched crime reports in Antigua...bad idea...freaked myself out and got me thinking all this crazy stuff! I've talked to 3 people so far who have lived there and they said it's all just fine and not to worry. I really hope the volunteer housing has a lot of people there when I go.
Nos Vemos!